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A member registered Oct 27, 2022

Recent community posts

was this inspired by shovel knight because this looks really good

I listened to some of these tracks and thought this would be perfect for a small project i'm working on.  Thanks for the music!

been a while sense you posted a free pack but they're still as good as ever.  keep up the great work!

I have been playing the game for at least 4 hours now and after figuring out the best way to play and learning how to avoid a few bugs like enemy becoming completely invisible until they hit you I finally got my first win.  Keep up the amazing work penusbmic

Love the pack, it's been a huge help in my top down game.  Could you possibly make a spin attack so the hunter can attack in all 4 directions at once.  

Really fun I managed to get a score of 1460 while constantly getting ones

my high score is 1801